Ahmad Barokah and Suwarto | "Sapu Gerang Nyuwun Terang"

Berangkat dari kegelisahan pak Warto dan pak Barokah atas hujan yang tidak kunjung berhenti, bahkan saat seharusnya sudah memasuki musim kemarau. Di masa lalu, masyarakat kita bisa membaca musim melalui pranata mangsa dan tanda-tanda alam (suara serangga, perilaku hewan, dll). Musim yang kacau balau dan tanda alam tidak lagi bisa dipahami menjadikan petani panen gagal dan harga pangan naik.

Dalam lukisannya, mereka menggambarkan beberapa tanaman tidak tahan air yang panennya terganggu karena hujan berkepanjangan. Di depan lukisan terdapat sapu gerang, cabai, dan bawang merah yang dipercaya mampu menangkal hujan, sesuai judul parikan yang digunakan sebagai judul karya ini. Sapu gerang tersebut disumbangkan oleh warga setempat yang memiliki kegelisahan yang sama. Karya ini merupakan harapan kolektif untuk meminta terang supaya musim Juli yang seharusnya musim kemarau kembali terang seperti yang biasa mereka pahami.

Site #4: Lapangan Pondok Pesantren
Artists: Ahmad Barokah dan Suwarto
"Sapu gerang nyuwun terang"(instalasi sapu)

Di area ini terdapat dua karya seniman Merapi Siring Kidul. Setelah dalam putaran sebelumnya pelukis-pelukis Merapi Siring Kidul dikumpulkan melalui kegiatan melukis mingguan bersama Maryanto; pertemuan rutin ini dilanjutkan dalam bentuk kelas Apresiasi Seni Kontemporer oleh Nindityo Adipurnomo.

Dalam putaran pertama, seniman-seniman ini mempresentasikan nostalgia atas Kaliurang tempo dulu. Untuk putaran kedua, Nindityo mempertajam gagasan atas krisis iklim dunia dan mengajak seniman Merapi Siring Kidul untuk menuangkan kegelisahan pribadi masing-masing atas krisis iklim secara personal. Hasilnya berupa dua karya instalasi besar, satu seri lukisan, dan dua lakon pentas wayang.


Departing from the shared concern of Pak Warto and Pak Barokah over the rain that did not stop, even within what supposed to be the dry season.  In the past, our society could read the seasons through pranata mangsa and signs of nature (the sound of certain insects, animal behavior, etc.)  The chaotic seasons and the incomprehensible signs of nature have resulted in farmers failing crops and rising food prices.

In their paintings, they depict some non-water-resistant plants whose harvests have been disrupted by the prolonged rains.  In front of the painting, there are brooms, chili peppers, shallots, and rice which are believed to be able to ward off rain, according to the parikan title used as the title of this work. The brooms were donated by local residents who shared the same concern.  This work is a collective hope to ask for a dry season so that balance can be restored and July is back to being a dry season as they understood.

Site #4: Lapangan Pondok Pesantren
Artists: Ahmad Barokah and Suwarto
"Sapu Gerang Nyuwun Terang" (broomstick installation and painting)

In this site, there are two works by the artists of Merapi Siring Kidul collective.  In the previous cycle, the Merapi Siring Kidul painters were gathered through weekly drawing activities with Maryanto; the weekly meeting was continued in the form of a Contemporary Art Appreciation Class by Nindityo Adipurnomo.

In the first cycle, these artists presented work about nostalgia for the Kaliurang they knew in the past. For the second cycle, Nindityo sharpened the discussion on the world climate crisis and invited the artists of Merapi Siring Kidul collective to express their personal concerns about how the climate crisis affected them personally. The result are two large installation works, one painting series, and two titles of a puppet play.