Home(age) of Leksigun

Maryanto Beb

Since Lik Sigun (uncle Sigun) went missing, the remnant of his house was torn down and left as an empty land with scattered bushes that grow wildly. Lik Sigun was a distinctive figure; he had eccentric yet artistic behaviour that always be remembered by his neighbours.

1. Goat skin 
When his goat died, Lik Sigun refused to bury it. He, instead, preferred to hang the dead body of the goat in front of his house until the corpse dry off. 

2. Fireplace 
It was the place where he used to cook his daily meal.

3. Mortar
Lik Sigun’s family was one of the two families in Kaliurang who, at that time, had rice field. This spot was used as a pot to pound the rice.

4. Kolonjono grass
Three years ago Lik Sigun went missing in Hutan Bingungan (forest of confusion) at the slope of Mt.Merapi when he was gathering grass for his livestock 

5. Red & White Flag (Indonesia’s Flag) 
Lik Sigun was known as a man who often walks with his favourite motorcycle which was always decorated with this flag. He took the motorcycle for a walk around the village instead of riding it. 

6. Stone statue
Several of the statue artefacts that Lik Sigun made, shaped in a form of human face and animal such as tiger and goat. White tiger was a legendary mystical animal which is interpreted as a sign of danger if Kaliurang villagers encounter it.  

7. Pathway
This way was the pathway where Lik Sigun used to head to the road. Some say, there were lots of statue in this spot but now those are buried under the remnant of the house. 

8. Rabbit
Lik Sigun let his rabbits roams free around his garden, let them grows inside the house, and even the rabbits once made a nest at his neighbour’s kitchen. 

Project by Maryanto #900mdpl